
My Obsession With Pinterest

I always thought that Pinterest was something that pregnant women and teachers would use to get ideas for their baby's nursery or their students next activity. Recently, I had to do a project on there and found myself obssesed with "pinning things", here's my story of my unhealthy obsession with Pinterest. So for those of you who have no idea what Pinterest is it's a site full of pictures of almost anything that you can put in a folder (or a 'board'). People can follow you if they like what you are posting. Here's an example of one of my boards.  Whenever I have an obssession I tend to talk about it all the time and people clearly get annoyed. Using  this site gives me an outlet to express my favorite things with people who also love it. For instance, I made a Star Wars board cause my friends can't stand Star Wars and I had to talk about with someone. By making this board I instantly connected with a ton of fans and we were able to talk about the newest movie! Pinterest is also a great way to market your items or your blog. I started talking about my blog on there and my traffic has gone up by about 200 in the past two weeks (super exciting!!). So right now go to pinterest.com and make an account and make boards until you fall asleep at your computer (I am guilty of this). Happy pinning!          
