The 10 Most ANNOYING Things of 2015

Most people say I get annoyed to easily… but for the most part the things that bother me seem to bother most of the world with good taste or taste in general. Below is my grand list of THE most ANNOYING things of 2015. Minions – Back in the Despicable Me Days they were cute but the little orphan girls…

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Why Today’s Music Will NEVER Compare to Back In The Day

Now, before I even begin, today’s music isn’t all bad but compared to the feel good songs that had lyrics with ACTUAL MEANING it doesn’t stand a chance. Back then songs could change the world… hearing it today just makes me sad because I will never get to know what carefree life was like. Below is my Spotify playlist

PKM’s Grammy Predictions

When I looked over the Grammy nominations list I was surprised about some things and ecstatic for others. Below are my predictions for the 2016 Grammy’s. Record Of The Year • Really Love D’Angelo And The Vanguard D’Angelo, producer; Russell Elevado & Ben Kane, engineers/mixers; Dave Collins, mastering engineer Track from: Black Messiah [RCA Records] • Uptown Funk    …

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AMA’s: A Night Of Fashion Fails

The AMA fashion was an absolute failure!!! Selena Gomez – What the heck is she wearing. The middle part in her head makes her look like a recalled Barbie Doll. 2. One Direction – One of these things is not like other… HARRY. You look just like my great grandma’s tablecloth- ugly!!! 3. Demi Lovato – Speaking of table cloths……

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So You Have HIV…

This morning on The Today Show Matt Lauer sat down with Charlie Sheen to discuss his (not so) shocking announcement that he has HIV. So what is HIV? HIV is a virus that gradually attacks the immune system, which is our body’s natural defence against illness. – See more at: Turns out Sheen has known about having HIV for…

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Why She Should’ve Picked The Duck Man

Everyone loves Molly Ringwald in, the 1986 hit, Pretty In Pink, but many people disagree with her decision at the end of the movie. Instead of her picking the nice, funny, and RELIABLE Duckie Dale she goes for the rich and stiff Blaine McDonagh who put his friends feelings before his. Throughout the movie, Duckie is always at Andie Walsh’…

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Who Knew? NFL Knows How To Celebrate

My favorite part of watching football is not only when they score but the celebration that follows. My all time favorite celebration this week was Justin Tucker’s, a kicker for the Baltimore Ravens. Generally the kicker is up-tight and only focused on getting that ball between the goal post, he really brought the fun back into the game. A kicker…

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President Kennedy’s 13 Nights Of Halloween

Halloween is definitely one of my favorite holidays. Dressing up as someone you’re not, getting candy from strangers… I mean what’s not to like? In addition to that Halloween movies are 10X  better so grab the popcorn and a crucifix and enjoy the following movies during this Halloween season. 1.Halloween – I would recommend just watching part 1 the other 9…

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